The fur industry seems to lack foresight. In part I, I wrote that in France the breeding of the ragondin , an Argentine-born rodent for its fur ended in fiasco in the 1930s. Absurdly, in the next decade, the Argentinians repeated this mistake, and introduced the Canadian beaver to Patagonia. As in France, the Argentine fur business did not flourish. As a result, Argentina and neighboring Chile are now trying to eradicate some 100,000 beavers that are destroying native forests. For its part, France is at loss to eradicate a ragondin population estimated at 400,000. In 1946, 25 pairs of Canadian beavers were imported to Tierra del Fuego, a large island at the southern tip of Patagonia shared by Argentina and Chile. The beaver population expanded rapidly and got out of control; unlike in their homeland, they have no predators in Tierra del Fuego. Building dams and chomping trees, the busy rodents are wreaking havoc on the environment....