One Million Lawyers In The Tropics
Two years ago, Brazil reached the landmark number of one million lawyers, and this number keeps increasing as business is brisk in this profession. It is estimated that Brazil has one lawyer for every 200 inhabitants, more than the United States which tallies one lawyer for each 244 citizens (1.34 million lawyers in 2018 according to the American Bar Association). Currently, Israel tops the list with one lawyer per 139 residents. Brazil has more law schools than anywhere else in the world, and as a result 0.5% of the Brazilian population has a law degree. The country is also more litigious than the USA; however, it is Brazil’s above average and pervasive corruption level that is stimulating young people to become lawyers. Since 2005, the escalation of political scandals has increased the profession’s attractiveness and workload. In the current period of economic morosit é , and unemployment, law firms are still recruiting. Brazil brings to ...