The Comfort of Dictatorships

I am transfixed by the political upheaval which is taking place in a great western country. A large segment of the political establishment comforted by an equally large section of the population is watching in a state of ecstasy bordering giddiness their leader’s indiscriminate assault on core democratic institutions. Make America Great Again, MAGA is morphing into a monstruous scavenger which feeds on the dismembered federal institutions, world trade, foreign alliances and basic moral values. In parallel, under the guise of curbing the “woke” ideology, the leader and his tech goons have launched a free speech crusade, aims of which is to suppress diverging viewpoints, fact checking and to fire dissenters. The leader’s illiberal hegemony is based on a zero-sum game thinking. One cannot resist drawing parallels with past European events. Respectively in 1923 and 1933, two charismatic strong men, Benito Mussolini and Adolph...